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/Posted by: stephanie

Silent Winter | Scandinavian Canvas Art

The task was to create a minimal artwork inspired by Scandinavian nature, that can be used as canvas art in interior design shops. I created a piece called “silent winter”. It shows a winter...
/Posted by: stephanie

Iceland’s rough Beauty

Having spent 4 months working in Iceland, we wanted to see the beauty of this unique country, so we went on two roadtrips (Golden Circle tour and around the whole island) and hiked Laugavegur,...
/Posted by: stephanie

Ghost Trails | CD

Ghost Trails is a dark folk band that needed a character wearing a pagan mask – The Ghost for their album cover. I created a polar fox/deer mask, worn by a female ghost, who...
/Posted by: stephanie

Kaplanek Claus

Klaus Kaplanek is a freelance physiotherapist at a hospital (Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern) in Vienna. Specialising in illnesses and injuries of the motion apparatus (knees, hips and shoulders), he mainly works with hobby athletes...
/Posted by: stephanie

Red Poppy | Bakery

Red Poppy is a home-based bakery, that sells cakes, cupcakes, decorated cookies for birthday parties or events. The aim was to create a modern, clean and easy to remember logo. I decided to go with...
/Posted by: stephanie

80’s Movie Poster | Graphic Stock

GraphicStock hosted this contest to create an iconic movie poster from the 80's by using at least one stock photo. I chose The Secret of Nimh, since it is an almost forgotten children’s movie...
/Posted by: stephanie

Winterreise | Music Concert

Winterreise, by Franz Schubert, sang by Meinhard Novak. The event took place in the Schottenstift (Scottish abbey),...
/Posted by: stephanie

Kungsleden | Hiking Trail

Doing a one week hike on one of Sweden’s most famous hiking trails, Kungsleden (kingstrail), from Abisko to...
/Posted by: stephanie

DÜ Nordic | Shampoo

DÜ Nordic is a Danish beauty brand that only uses Nordic raw materials and oils. The task was to create a minimal and Nordic design for their new shampoo bottles. My proposed concept plays with...
/Posted by: stephanie

Pelvic Stool | Ergonomic Stool

Created during my exchange year in Finland, pelvic stool is a rocking stool that strengthens your back while sitting, through a rocking motion. To achieve the correct sitting position, you can either rest your feet...
/Posted by: stephanie

Viktoria & Norbert

Viktoria and Norbert decided to get married at the winery Esterhazy just outside Eisenstadt, Burgenland in May 2019. They both have a strong connection with Scandinavia, so they wanted to incorporate its minimal aesthetics...
/Posted by: stephanie

Half a Deer | Fashion Label

Halber Hirsch - Half a Deer - is a fashion label based in Munich, Germany, that was looking for a young and fresh logo. The concept was to create a fresh logo including an eye-catching...

Project Description

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