Wake Up

You can create Slideshows and Stacked galleries with Post Format: Gallery. Also you can manage – add/edit/delete images any time you want. Theme comes with huge amount of gallery options, which could be previewed from Theme Customizer. Vitae pharetra lectus ligula sed ligula. Phasellus vel orci faucibus, placerat augue vel, volutpat nunc. Sed eu dolor ipsum. Suspendisse id interdum ex.


/Posted by: stephanie

Hoard the Spoils | Fantasy Roleplaying

For Hoard the Spoils, a pen-and-paper fantasy roleplaying game book, I designed the cover by creating a scene of seven fantasy characters. They are standing in a magically lit cave, guarding a pile of...
/Posted by: stephanie

Max Richter’s Sleep Remixes | LP

Max Richter is one of Britain’s leading composers, producing solo albums as well as concert music, ballets and opera. This album contains two concepts: on the one hand sleep remixes, an exploration of music,...
/Posted by: stephanie

Abyzus | Fantasy Novel

The concept for the fantasy novel Abyzus was to create a book cover that looks like an ancient tome, showing medieval and Celtic symbols. Therefore I developed a logo, that integrates the two suns...
/Posted by: stephanie

Iceland’s rough Beauty

Having spent 4 months working in Iceland, we wanted to see the beauty of this unique country, so we went on two roadtrips (Golden Circle tour and around the whole island) and hiked Laugavegur,...
/Posted by: stephanie

Winterreise | Music Concert

Winterreise, by Franz Schubert, sang by Meinhard Novak. The event took place in the Schottenstift (Scottish abbey),...
/Posted by: stephanie

Mona and Lisa | Drawing Table

Mona and Lisa is an intelligent drawing table and storage system for children. Due to the strong variability of the product the height and tilt of the table top can be adjusted and it can...
/Posted by: stephanie

Kungsleden | Hiking Trail

Doing a one week hike on one of Sweden’s most famous hiking trails, Kungsleden (kingstrail), from Abisko to...
/Posted by: stephanie

DÜ Nordic | Shampoo

DÜ Nordic is a Danish beauty brand that only uses Nordic raw materials and oils. The task was to create a minimal and Nordic design for their new shampoo bottles. My proposed concept plays with...
/Posted by: stephanie


Movement Coach Matthias Stolzer has a holistic approach to training, movement and flexibility, which he shares with his clients in one-on-one and group training sessions inside as well as outdoors. I designed a new...
/Posted by: stephanie

Swing Jam | Music and Dance

An evening full of music, dance and laughter. Swing jam events take place at Kontrabass in Zurich, Switzerland, where people can come with their instruments and join in as well as dance lindyhop or...
/Posted by: stephanie

Mandala | Craft Beer

Mandala craft beer originates from Chile, South America. With their new labels, they want to speak to a young target group, who appreciates the quality of beer and enjoys to have new experiences. Therefore, I...
/Posted by: stephanie

Half a Deer | Fashion Label

Halber Hirsch - Half a Deer - is a fashion label based in Munich, Germany, that was looking for a young and fresh logo. The concept was to create a fresh logo including an eye-catching...

Project Description

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  • Client:John Doe
  • Skills:
    • Illustrator
    • Photoshop
  • Project Url:View Project