Wake Up

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/Posted by: stephanie

Stephanie Seiler | Personal Branding

Creation of my own logo, Corporate Identity and homepage. The logo is based on the golden ratio, and plays with positive and negative shapes. The watercolour effect gives the business cards a unique look. I...
/Posted by: stephanie

Pelvic Stool | Ergonomic Stool

Created during my exchange year in Finland, pelvic stool is a rocking stool that strengthens your back while sitting, through a rocking motion. To achieve the correct sitting position, you can either rest your feet...
/Posted by: stephanie

Hoard the Spoils | Fantasy Roleplaying

For Hoard the Spoils, a pen-and-paper fantasy roleplaying game book, I designed the cover by creating a scene of seven fantasy characters. They are standing in a magically lit cave, guarding a pile of...
/Posted by: stephanie

Mandala | Craft Beer

Mandala craft beer originates from Chile, South America. With their new labels, they want to speak to a young target group, who appreciates the quality of beer and enjoys to have new experiences. Therefore, I...
/Posted by: stephanie

Sketchgroup Exhibitions

The Sketch Group Vienna is a group for young professionals as well as amateur artists and illustrators, that meet on a weekly basis to study figure, nude, and portrait drawing and painting. The 1stSketchgroup exhibition...
/Posted by: stephanie

Kaplanek Claus

Klaus Kaplanek is a freelance physiotherapist at a hospital (Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern) in Vienna. Specialising in illnesses and injuries of the motion apparatus (knees, hips and shoulders), he mainly works with hobby athletes...
/Posted by: stephanie

Yggdrasil | Jewellery Tree

This special jewellery tree shows Yggdrasil, the Norse world tree. In Norse mythology Yggdrasil incorporates the nine realms of the cosmos within its branches and roots, thereby connecting all things. Many mythological elements can...
/Posted by: stephanie

Brand New Code | IT Company

Young, fresh and minimal logo concept for “Brand new code”. Brand new code specializes in developing software as a service applications, maintaining web-based applications or platforms and selling online SaaS concepts f.e. like Mailchimp...
/Posted by: stephanie

Silent Winter | Scandinavian Canvas Art

The task was to create a minimal artwork inspired by Scandinavian nature, that can be used as canvas art in interior design shops. I created a piece called “silent winter”. It shows a winter...
/Posted by: stephanie

Viktoria & Norbert

Viktoria and Norbert decided to get married at the winery Esterhazy just outside Eisenstadt, Burgenland in May 2019. They both have a strong connection with Scandinavia, so they wanted to incorporate its minimal aesthetics...
/Posted by: stephanie

Magical Illustration | Postcard

The task was to create a whimsical, magical illustration of a ship on the sea under the night sky, with stars, the moon and a whale below the surface. The second illustration had to...
/Posted by: stephanie

Sketchgroup Vienna

The Sketch Group Vienna is a group for young professionals as well as amateur artists and illustrators, that meets on a weekly basis to study figure, nude, and portrait drawing and painting. Here are some...

Project Description

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Mauris eu nibh eget ante rutrum iaculis quis ultricies dolor. Aenean eu consectetur ex, sed rhoncus ipsum. Sed at odio dignissim ipsum malesuada fermentum. Sed libero quam, auctor et lobortis pellentesque, feugiat quis felis. Proin pulvinar bibendum nisi ut luctus.


  • Client:John Doe
  • Skills:
    • Illustrator
    • Photoshop
  • Project Url:View Project