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/Posted by: stephanie

Kungsleden | Hiking Trail

Doing a one week hike on one of Sweden’s most famous hiking trails, Kungsleden (kingstrail), from Abisko to...
/Posted by: stephanie

80’s Movie Poster | Graphic Stock

GraphicStock hosted this contest to create an iconic movie poster from the 80's by using at least one stock photo. I chose The Secret of Nimh, since it is an almost forgotten children’s movie...
/Posted by: stephanie

Stephanie Seiler | Personal Branding

Creation of my own logo, Corporate Identity and homepage. The logo is based on the golden ratio, and plays with positive and negative shapes. The watercolour effect gives the business cards a unique look. I...
/Posted by: stephanie

Swing Jam | Music and Dance

An evening full of music, dance and laughter. Swing jam events take place at Kontrabass in Zurich, Switzerland, where people can come with their instruments and join in as well as dance lindyhop or...
/Posted by: stephanie

Wizard of Oz | School Performance

This poster and booklet were designed for a high school performance of L. Frank Baum's book The Wizard of Oz. With little colours and clear shapes I tried to capture the essence of the...
/Posted by: stephanie

Wandering Cinema | Event

The wandering cinema is an organisation that shows movies throughout the whole country of Austria. They are not only moving from one big city to another but also visiting small villages and towns. My two...
/Posted by: stephanie

Red Poppy | Bakery

Red Poppy is a home-based bakery, that sells cakes, cupcakes, decorated cookies for birthday parties or events. The aim was to create a modern, clean and easy to remember logo. I decided to go with...
/Posted by: stephanie

Yggdrasil | Jewellery Tree

This special jewellery tree shows Yggdrasil, the Norse world tree. In Norse mythology Yggdrasil incorporates the nine realms of the cosmos within its branches and roots, thereby connecting all things. Many mythological elements can...
/Posted by: stephanie

Mandala | Craft Beer

Mandala craft beer originates from Chile, South America. With their new labels, they want to speak to a young target group, who appreciates the quality of beer and enjoys to have new experiences. Therefore, I...
/Posted by: stephanie

Pelvic Stool | Ergonomic Stool

Created during my exchange year in Finland, pelvic stool is a rocking stool that strengthens your back while sitting, through a rocking motion. To achieve the correct sitting position, you can either rest your feet...
/Posted by: stephanie

Moomin Figure

Hand-carved character from The Moomins, a children’s book series by Swedish-speaking Finnish illustrator Tove Jansson, that I gave away as a present. Height:...

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