Multiple Galleries

The gallery bellow is built with wordpress‘ native gallery shortcode. Theme comes with modified and enhanced one. Options for this type of gallery are controlled from the Theme Customizer. verra erat quis mauris sollicitudin, quis mattis nisi finibus. Mauris et aliquam diam. Integer et nisi justo.

4 columns

3 columns

2 columns

You can create Slideshows and Stacked galleries with Post Format: Gallery. Also you can manage – add/edit/delete images any time you want. Theme comes with huge amount of gallery options, which could be previewed from Theme Customizer. Nisl eget pell sque pharetra, ligula velit mattis nulla, vitae pharetra lectus ligula sed ligula. Phasellus vel orci faucibus, placerat augue vel, volutpat nunc. Sed eu dolor ipsum Suse,


/Posted by: stephanie

Pelvic Stool | Ergonomic Stool

Created during my exchange year in Finland, pelvic stool is a rocking stool that strengthens your back while sitting, through a rocking motion. To achieve the correct sitting position, you can either rest your feet...
/Posted by: stephanie

Ghost Trails | CD

Ghost Trails is a dark folk band that needed a character wearing a pagan mask – The Ghost for their album cover. I created a polar fox/deer mask, worn by a female ghost, who...
/Posted by: stephanie

Half a Deer | Fashion Label

Halber Hirsch - Half a Deer - is a fashion label based in Munich, Germany, that was looking for a young and fresh logo. The concept was to create a fresh logo including an eye-catching...
/Posted by: stephanie


Movement Coach Matthias Stolzer has a holistic approach to training, movement and flexibility, which he shares with his clients in one-on-one and group training sessions inside as well as outdoors. I designed a new...
/Posted by: stephanie

Hoard the Spoils | Fantasy Roleplaying

For Hoard the Spoils, a pen-and-paper fantasy roleplaying game book, I designed the cover by creating a scene of seven fantasy characters. They are standing in a magically lit cave, guarding a pile of...
/Posted by: stephanie

Mandala | Craft Beer

Mandala craft beer originates from Chile, South America. With their new labels, they want to speak to a young target group, who appreciates the quality of beer and enjoys to have new experiences. Therefore, I...
/Posted by: stephanie

Abyzus | Fantasy Novel

The concept for the fantasy novel Abyzus was to create a book cover that looks like an ancient tome, showing medieval and Celtic symbols. Therefore I developed a logo, that integrates the two suns...
/Posted by: stephanie

Wizard of Oz | School Performance

This poster and booklet were designed for a high school performance of L. Frank Baum's book The Wizard of Oz. With little colours and clear shapes I tried to capture the essence of the...
/Posted by: stephanie

Wandering Cinema | Event

The wandering cinema is an organisation that shows movies throughout the whole country of Austria. They are not only moving from one big city to another but also visiting small villages and towns. My two...
/Posted by: stephanie

Red Poppy | Bakery

Red Poppy is a home-based bakery, that sells cakes, cupcakes, decorated cookies for birthday parties or events. The aim was to create a modern, clean and easy to remember logo. I decided to go with...
/Posted by: stephanie

Viktoria & Norbert

Viktoria and Norbert decided to get married at the winery Esterhazy just outside Eisenstadt, Burgenland in May 2019. They both have a strong connection with Scandinavia, so they wanted to incorporate its minimal aesthetics...

Project Description

Portfolio Item comes with additional descrition & details fields. Descritpion field supports shortcodes and some allowed HTML like: Links, Blod Texts Paragraphs and etc. All details below are added from your dashboard, for each post individually. Lorem ipsum ligula molestie fringilla nostra fermentum aenean, mauris dictum curabitur vel taciti ad euismod purus, ut sollicitudin eu semper luctus quisque ligula.
