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/Posted by: stephanie

DÜ Nordic | Shampoo

DÜ Nordic is a Danish beauty brand that only uses Nordic raw materials and oils. The task was to create a minimal and Nordic design for their new shampoo bottles. My proposed concept plays with...
/Posted by: stephanie

Kungsleden | Hiking Trail

Doing a one week hike on one of Sweden’s most famous hiking trails, Kungsleden (kingstrail), from Abisko to...
/Posted by: stephanie

Lynx | Wooden Label

Laser cut labels for my self-knitted hats. The logo shows a lynx that is also used as my 99designs profile...
/Posted by: stephanie

The Bar Wit | Bartending Company

The Bar Wit is a bartending company that was created to bring the needs of the employer, the passion of the bartender and the best customer experience together. They asked for a modern, clean...
/Posted by: stephanie

Silent Winter | Scandinavian Canvas Art

The task was to create a minimal artwork inspired by Scandinavian nature, that can be used as canvas art in interior design shops. I created a piece called “silent winter”. It shows a winter...
/Posted by: stephanie

Mandala | Craft Beer

Mandala craft beer originates from Chile, South America. With their new labels, they want to speak to a young target group, who appreciates the quality of beer and enjoys to have new experiences. Therefore, I...
/Posted by: stephanie

80’s Movie Poster | Graphic Stock

GraphicStock hosted this contest to create an iconic movie poster from the 80's by using at least one stock photo. I chose The Secret of Nimh, since it is an almost forgotten children’s movie...
/Posted by: stephanie

Yggdrasil | Jewellery Tree

This special jewellery tree shows Yggdrasil, the Norse world tree. In Norse mythology Yggdrasil incorporates the nine realms of the cosmos within its branches and roots, thereby connecting all things. Many mythological elements can...
/Posted by: stephanie

Wandering Cinema | Event

The wandering cinema is an organisation that shows movies throughout the whole country of Austria. They are not only moving from one big city to another but also visiting small villages and towns. My two...
/Posted by: stephanie

Sketchgroup Exhibitions

The Sketch Group Vienna is a group for young professionals as well as amateur artists and illustrators, that meet on a weekly basis to study figure, nude, and portrait drawing and painting. The 1stSketchgroup exhibition...
/Posted by: stephanie

Winterreise | Music Concert

Winterreise, by Franz Schubert, sang by Meinhard Novak. The event took place in the Schottenstift (Scottish abbey),...
/Posted by: stephanie

Space Wolves Emblem

Hand-carved relief of a space wolves emblem, based on an image I found online. Present for a friend. About...

Project Description

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