Sketchgroup Exhibitions

The Sketch Group Vienna is a group for young professionals as well as amateur artists and illustrators, that meet on a weekly basis to study figure, nude, and portrait drawing and painting.

The 1stSketchgroup exhibition took place in 2015 and all artists were allowed to showcase their favourite pieces. My contribution was “The Fisherman’s Wife”, “Dark Beauty” and “Staring into the Light”. I started them during live drawing sessions on my Samsung Galaxy Note and completed in Photoshop afterwards. “Staring into the Light” was sold twice as limited edition prints.

The 2ndSketchgroup exhibition took place in 2015 and all artists were allowed to showcase their favourite pieces. My contribution was “The Violin Player” and “Portrait of a Woman”. I started them during live drawing sessions on my Samsung Galaxy Note and completed in Photoshop afterwards.

1st Sketchgroup exhibition

Sketchgroup Vienna